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Upgrading from Parker 690 to AC20 Drives: A Complete Technical Guide

Upgrading from Parker 690 to AC20 Drives: A Complete Technical Guide

Date: 18.09.2024
Author: SDS Drives
Read Time: 6 Mins

Upgrading from Parker 690 to AC20 Drives: A Complete Technical Guide

As industries evolve, so too must the equipment and technology used to keep them running smoothly. The Parker 690 Drives, once a staple in AC motor control, are now obsolete, leaving many businesses searching for a reliable replacement. Fortunately, Parker’s AC20 Drive Series offers a powerful and efficient solution that can serve as a like-for-like replacement with a few key considerations.

In this blog, we’ll provide a technical guide on how to replace the 690 drives with the AC20 series, outlining what you need to know about Top of Frame (TOF) sizes and voltage supply to ensure a seamless upgrade.

Understanding the Parker 690 Drive Obsolescence

The Parker 690 Drive is a versatile AC drive used in various applications ranging from conveyor systems to pumps and fans. However, like many industrial drives, it has reached its end-of-life status, meaning Parker no longer manufactures or supports it. For businesses still relying on the 690 series, this presents challenges in sourcing replacement parts or repairing faulty units.

Luckily, the Parker AC20 series offers a modern alternative with similar features and benefits, ensuring continued performance without the worry of obsolescence. But before making the switch, it’s important to understand the technical considerations involved in replacing the 690 with the AC20.

Key Considerations for Replacing 690 Drives with AC20 Drives

1. Top of Frame (TOF) Size

One of the most critical factors to account for when replacing the 690 with the AC20 is the Top of Frame (TOF) size. TOF refers to the kW power, so if you have a 2.2kW, the TOF for this can be 4kW. Naturally and in most cases, the larger the kW, the more likely the physical size and form factor of the drive will be bigger, and this must be carefully matched to ensure that the new drive fits within your existing enclosure or control cabinet. For further guidance on the Frame Size conversions to the AC20, click here.

The AC20 series is available in a range of frame sizes to suit different applications, but you’ll need to compare the frame size of your existing 690 drive with the equivalent AC20 model to ensure a like-for-like replacement. While the AC20 offers a more modern, compact design, some adjustments may be required to accommodate the new unit in your existing setup.

Here’s how to approach TOF matching:

  • Step 1: Identify the TOF size of your 690 drive. This will usually be listed in the technical documentation or on the drive’s nameplate.
  • Step 2: Cross-reference this with the AC20 series TOF specifications, ensuring that the new drive’s size and mounting options align with your setup.
  • Step 3: If space is limited, you may need to make minor adjustments to your control cabinet or consider re-routing cables and mounting brackets to ensure the new drive fits seamlessly.

2. Voltage Supply (230V or 400V)

Another essential factor to consider when replacing a Parker 690 Drive is the voltage supply. The 690 series could operate on either 230V or 400V power, and it’s important to match the voltage rating of the new AC20 drive to that of your existing supply to avoid any electrical issues.

The AC20 series is available in both 230V and 400V versions, so you can easily select the correct model based on your existing power infrastructure.

  • 230V Applications: If your 690 drive was operating on a 230V supply, ensure that the replacement AC20 drive matches this voltage. The wrong voltage rating could result in underperformance or even damage to the drive.
  • 400V Applications: For industrial systems running on a 400V supply, select the 400V version of the AC20 to ensure full compatibility and efficient operation.

It’s critical to verify the supply voltage before installation, as connecting a drive to the wrong voltage can lead to serious operational issues or drive failure.

Other Considerations for a Seamless Upgrade

1. Motor Compatability

When replacing the 690 with an AC20, ensure that the motor specifications remain compatible. The AC20 series offers flexible motor control for both induction and permanent magnet motors, but it’s always a good idea to verify the motor’s power rating, torque requirements, and speed range to ensure optimal performance.

2. Communication Protocols

While the Parker 690 drive supported various communication protocols, the AC20 drive offers an expanded range of options for more modern systems. The AC20 supports protocols like Modbus RTU, Ethernet, and CANopen, ensuring seamless integration with your existing control systems.

However, it’s important to check if any additional configuration or adapters are required when switching to a new communication protocol during the upgrade.

3. Programming and Configuration

One of the major advantages of the AC20 series is its ease of programming and configuration. Parker provides intuitive programming tools that allow you to replicate the configuration from your existing 690 drive or set up new parameters based on your application requirements.

If you’re unfamiliar with drive programming, SDS Drives offers programming and commissioning services, ensuring that your new AC20 drive is fully optimized and tailored to your operation.

How SDS Drives Can Help with Your AC20 Upgrade

At SDS Drives, we specialize in helping businesses make the transition from obsolete drives like the Parker 690 to newer, more efficient solutions like the Parker AC20. Our experienced engineers provide full support throughout the upgrade process, including:

  • Drive Selection: We help you select the right AC20 model based on your existing system, TOF size, and voltage requirements.
  • Installation and Commissioning: Our team of certified technicians can install and commission the new drive, ensuring it is fully integrated and configured for optimal performance.
  • Support and Maintenance: We offer ongoing support, troubleshooting, and repair services for the Parker AC20 series, ensuring that your system runs smoothly over the long term.

Conclusion: Future-Proof Your Operations with Parker AC20

Upgrading from the obsolete Parker 690 drives to the modern AC20 series is a smart choice for businesses looking to improve efficiency and avoid the headaches associated with unsupported hardware. By carefully considering factors like Top of Frame (TOF) size and voltage supply, you can ensure a smooth, like-for-like replacement.

At SDS Drives, we’re here to support you through every step of the upgrade process, from product selection to installation and beyond. Contact us today to discuss your upgrade requirements, and let us help you future-proof your operations with the powerful and efficient Parker AC20 drives.

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